Monday 10 October 2016

What is Christmas like in Russia?

Why Christmas in Russia is not celebrated in December.. How New Year and Christmas  are celebrated  there and  what is the best time to visit Russia if you want to learn more about Russian people.

The actual Russian Christmas itself takes place on 7th of January, it has to do with the orthodox traditions. To regret, the Russian Christmas Traditions were neglected for a long period of time and it happened after Russian Revolution in 1917. The religious celebrations were prohibited then. Therefore the 25th of December is not an official holiday in Russia.and the holidays start on 31st of December. Though the religious celebrations were banned the Christian religion did not die in Russia. This time of year is very important for everyone there as the Orthodox Christmas is also approaching. It's celebrated all over the country in every family and every organization. Therefore if you want to see Russia at its best and the best of its people you should go there at the end of December.
It is the best time to see the Russian tradition of hospitality in the first place.

!!This article was originally published on Squidoo in November 2013. I found the same article on another website which is a copy of this one and was published in 2014. Be aware of content thieves!

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